Take a moment to read through the descriptions of the degrees and orders of the York Rite of Freemasonry.
Using the story of the building of King Solomon's Temple, Freemasonry creates an allegory around which each man builds his earthly and spiritual temple, and learns further lessons in continuing growth.
Each degree and order contain a lesson in character, morality, and spirituality.
In its Book of Constitutions, the United Grand Lodge of England therefore declared that “... pure Antient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, viz. those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch”.
It is believed to have originated as a ceremony of registering a craftsman’s mark in those years distinguished by the operative craft masons and their temple building. Some scholars say it was the earliest degree and may predate all others by many years. It is highly regarded by students and ritualists as one of the most beautiful degrees in all Masonry, teaching lessons that have proven of value at all levels of society.
Once conferred upon all Masons presiding over a lodge, the lessons conveyed in this degree are some that every aspiring, sitting or Past Master should learn about governing a lodge and themselves. Becoming a just and upright man.
A uniquely American degree, it constitutes a beautiful ceremony and completes the final symbolism of the temple's completion. There are several moral lessons contained within the Most Excellent Master Degree.
The ultimate degree of Masonic symbolism. In the lodge, the laborer is concerned with his material life, in the Royal Arch his attention is directed toward his spiritual temple which will outlast his earthly one.
Entrusted with the preservation of the Ancient Landmarks. The first two degrees deal with man working on himself, his inner self and the Divine within.
The Royal Master Degree finds the candidate (you) in the Sanctum Sanctorum of King Solomon's Temple and speaking directly with one of Freemasonry's patriarchs as discusses life and mortality, and where to find ineffable name of God.
The Select Master degree portrays the events of a previous degree, but from the perspective of three Ancient Grand Masters and in a subterranean vault which also introduced in an earlier degree. The Royal and Select Master degrees, complete the story that began in the Master Mason degree and continued on through the Royal Arch.
The Super Excellent Master has no connection historically or symbolically with the Royal and Select Master Degrees. This degree portrays the final destruction of the Temple and the Jews taken captive to Babylon. This degree is the most dramatic and spectacular of all Masonic systems.
The only organization in Freemasonry that requires the petitioner to be a Christian. All degrees up to the Templar Orders only require a belief in deity. Having passed through the proceeding degrees, building his earthly, spiritual temples, and having begun to work on his inner self, the candidate is now ready to carry this wisdom into the world and mentor those who come after him.
This order is a transitional degree that bridges Royal Arch Masonry to Chivalric Masonry. The lessons are taught to encourage the constant search for Truth and emphasize the importance of Liberty and Justice with a right to worship Deity under whatever name he may be called.
The Order of Malta is where the teaching of the Christian applications of Masonic precepts begin. One of the few Chivalric Orders that still exist in modern times, it introduces us to the history of the Order and why modern Knights Templar still venerate it today.
Order of the Temple is the crowning glory of York Rite Masonry and the pinnacle of Christian Knighthood. And is widely regarded as the most solemn and impressive experience in Masonry. Here the aspirant is brought face to face with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and one's own mortality.
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